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Wheelie90 – Branding

I have been working on designing a new logo and social media pieces for the Wheelie90 Youtube Channel to create a consistent style for their brand. Below is the original logo that they had.

Wheelie90 Youtube Channel – Original Logo

The new logo needed to have a futuristic feel but still incorporate the green color of the original logo. The new color scheme was chosen to be Green, White, and Blue.

Redesigned Wheelie90 Logo – Vertical Version
Redesigned Wheelie90 Logo – Horizontal Version

For the Social Media cover photo, I really wanted to incorporate more texture into the design by using the hexagon shape that is present in the logo. I felt that the corners of the shape needed to be rounded to keep the futuristic style to them. This design below is the final version of the Facebook page cover photo.

As for the Youtube cover photo, because it is designed to change for different screen sizes I took the design from the Facebook page cover photo and expanded on it. The final design is below.

The new logo also needed to be turned into a motion graphic so that it could be used on the new videos. Here is the completed motion graphic of the logo.

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