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ChiMex Restaurant – Branding

ChiMex Restaurant is a restaurant that is a fusion of the Chinese and Mexican cultures. The interior of the restaurant will have decor from both cultures and some new pieces that fuse both cultures together.

The branding of this restaurant includes logo, advertising, menus, signage, loyalty card, take-out packaging, and website design. This was for a project at Full Sail University and was used to teach me the importance of branding and how to create everything for it.

Single color logo

Here is some of the signage that would be in the interior of the restaurant for people to know where to go to order their carryout and also where to pick it up.

This is the mascot of the restaurant. The design Is inspired by Chinese culture due to the gold and red coloring. It is also inspired by Mexican culture due to the drawing style. Because of that this dragon is a fusion of both cultures and really helps to represent the point of the restaurant.

This was a poster that would go on a Bus Stop Ad board. It gives a little bit of information on the restaurant to get people interested in going to this restaurant.

Here is the back cover of the dine-in menu.

Here is the first page to the dine-in menu.

Here is the billboard that would advertise for the restaurant and would be placed on the nearby highway.

Here’s a mockup of the take-out container.

Here is the design of the websites homepage. On the homepage you can see the daily specials in order for the visitor to see in advance what the special is for the day.

Here is the about page of the website that gives Information on what the restaurant is meant to do, which is to educate people on both cultures.

Here is the front of the loyalty card. This would be for repeat customers that would then get a free appetizer on their seventh visit.

Full color logo

Here is the front of a postcard that will get sent out to the local community.

Here is the back of the postcard that will get sent out to the local community.

Here is the front of the take-out menu.

Here is the back of the take-out menu.

Here is the cover to the dine-in menu. It has the information for the restaurant like the hours and the phone number.

Here is the second page to the dine-in menu.

Here is some concept art for the interior of the restaurant. This is one of the decorations that would be on the wall. The black and brown design on the top of this image is part of the ceiling.

Here is the menu page of the website which gives the customer a chance to see the prices before they go to the restaurant and also to help decide what they want to eat.

Here is the back of the loyalty card.

Here is an animated web banner I created for advertising for the restaurant.

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